Friday 28 March 2014

On 4:20:00 am by Unknown   No comments

A video has surfaced of a staff at the Nigeria High Commission (NHC) in the UK making arrangement to transport items illegally across countries using his diplomatic connections.

This was obtained by an undercover investigation team from ITV’s Exposure who posed as a criminal gang to expose the corruption that goes on in the commission.
The team led by Mark Williams-Thomas met the Nigerian, Alfa Abutu, in a London hotel. Abutu told them that he could transport their stolen art to Paris.
“Give me your suitcase, this suitcase usually has to be wrapped with the national flag before we can move it anywhere. And we use diplomatic vehicle whereby the police authorities will not stop us,” Abutu said.
Everything was caught on tape. The video above shows that meeting.

Read ITV‘s report:
Exposure later told Abutu the art was worth nearly £1 million, to which he suggested a commission of £250,000. In a series of meetings with undercover reporters, Abutu also claimed he could help transfer money, and smuggle diamonds and gold out of the country using an embassy car and its associated privileges.
“The easiest way is that, let’s say this box is loaded with $1 million and they are going out with it or gold, or diamond. With my link, we use a diplomatic vehicle from here straight to Heathrow or Gatwick,” he said.
“They will not open the box they are bringing out. It’s not a problem.”
When asked to comment on Exposure’s findings, Abutu denied any wrongdoing and said he had never been involved in criminal activities. He said he is local staff, not a diplomat, doesn’t have diplomatic immunity and couldn’t have assisted the Exposure team to move an item.
He said he believed Exposure’s undercover reporter was not genuine but decided to play along with him.
Following the revelations, the Nigeria High Commission immediately suspended Abutu from his position in the accounts department, where he had worked for six years.
Nevertheless, the Nigerian High Commission says it “utterly condemns Mr. Abutu’s conduct”.
The Commission explain that Abutu “tried to fool investigators into believing that he is [a diplomat] for personal financial gain.” The Commission also said that he does not have access to the diplomatic bag.

“As soon as the High Commission became aware of Mr Abutu’s conduct, he was suspended as part of the Mission’s internal disciplinary procedure,” spokesman Ahmed Inusa said. The Commission said Abutu’s conduct was entirely personal and nothing to do with them.


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