Monday 31 March 2014

On 4:06:00 am by Unknown   2 comments

A Policeman allegedly killed his 19-month-old baby after battering his wife in Benin, weekend.
We gathered that the incident occurred at a flat in Sam Enobakhare Crescent, off St. Saviour Road, Benin.
His wife said last Tuesday they were at home when her husband’s countenance suddenly changed and when she tried to find out why, he pounced on her.
Contacted, Dr. Jolly Nosakhare Iguma, the Chief Medical Director of Jonos Medical Clinic where the baby was taken to, said a mother and her daughter brought in a dead baby a few days ago.
He said: “On close examination the baby was pale, yellowish, with tooth bite injuries on his face.
“Since the baby is not old enough to fight with any person, I wondered who bit the baby. However, if he was brought in early enough, the baby would have been transfused with blood. He may have died of jaundice.”
When newsmen visited the residence weekend, it was deserted as neighbors claimed not to have seen any of its occupants in the past few days.


  1. Was he mentally deranged or was he cursed by someone he maltreated? What was his grudge? Is it not time that policemen and women especially those who may bear guns should have twice yearly psychiatric evaluation? Witness Sunkanmi the policeman who shot his wife and four others before his suicide recently and now this..

  2. ONly God can safe us in this country....
