Wednesday 28 May 2014

On 9:08:00 am by Unknown   2 comments

It was a fun-filled Children day yesterday, May 27, 2014 as the Unique Charitable Foundation (co-owned by Faithia Balogun, Muyiwa Ademola, Femi Adebayo, Sanyeri and Kampo) bring smile to the faces of the less privilege and also pay back to the society in their little ways. The foundation storm the MiTV children’s party ground, Love Hope Motherless Home and LTV 8’s children party as well.
The foundation’s aim is to give back to the society in their little ways. The foundation donate cash, book and food items to the Love Hope Motherless Home situated on CMD Road, Magodo and also promise to sponsor one child from the motherless home, from his/her elementary classes to university level.
This pledge was made by Muyiwa Ademola on behalf of the foundation. However, the Chief-Executive of the Motherless Home was glad at the development and also give kudos to the foundation, for their innovation and for giving the Home, sense of belonging among the society.
“It’s a great joy, pleasure and privilege for us here, the children are happy and you can see that over their faces. We have never taught of any special visitation today but when we receive the notice, we were glad. Thanks a lot, we appreciate your coming and your gifts, may Almighty God continue to bless and enrich your pockets too. Amen.” She said.



  1. So many more people out there who are much richer than them would enrich these children's lives if only they would look down from their Ivory Towers and seek Gods Blessings beyond and above affluence...

  2. Much thank to them and to God, for giving the vision.. more blessing in Jesus name. Amen
